Wednesday 27 January 2021 - Report
Wednesday 27 January 2021 - Report
Topics: Fraud, Error and Corruption
Departments: Treasury & Exchequer
Sector: Financial Management & Internal Control
Report: pdf (517.82 KB)
Download in full ↓In common with other governments, the States of Jersey face increasingly complex risks and threats from corruption. Instances of corruption create losses to the taxpayer, reputational risk to the States of Jersey and also undermine public trust.
This report focusses on the design and operation of the States’ arrangements to embed a culture of compliance and the arrangements to identify and manage risks of corruption. In particular, it looks at the policies and procedures for procurement and for receipt of gifts and hospitality by States employees and States Members.
A robust statutory framework is in place in Jersey to combat bribery and corruption.
Detailed work is required by the States to implement the new Anti-Corruption Policy and the Counter Fraud and Corruption Strategy over the next 12 months. This should include doing more to raise awareness and further embed a compliance culture amongst States Members and States employees.
There is a need to review and update the Codes of Conduct for employees, States Members, Ministers and Assistant Ministers to include references to the policies and procedures for managing the risk of corruption.
There is also a need to review and improve policies and procedures in respect of:
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