Monday 9 October 2023 - Report
Monday 9 October 2023 - Report
Topics: Complaints
Departments: All
Sector: All
Report: pdf (601.12 KB)
Download in full ↓In July 2020 the C&AG published a report Handling and Learning from Complaints which reviewed the development and implementation of the recently introduced Government-wide Customer Feedback Policy. In summary this review found that the Government had taken important steps and invested in a sound approach, but that more work was required to secure consistent handling of and learning from complaints. The C&AG made 19 recommendations for improvement, all of which were accepted by the Government of Jersey.
Later in 2020 the C&AG published Management Information in Education – Follow Up (August 2020). In this review she found that the Children, Young People, Education and Skills Department (CYPES) did not keep a central record of complaints that were dealt with by schools. This meant that there was no evidence-based alert for CYPES that something may be causing concern either within a school or across a number of schools. The C&AG recommended that a mechanism be established to share information between schools and CYPES on the number, type and outcomes of complaints.
This review evaluates progress made in implementing the recommendations from these previous reports.
The review has considered:
· the progress made in implementing agreed recommendations
· the extent to which the recommendations as implemented have addressed the improvement areas identified in the report; and
· the adequacy of plans for the implementation of any outstanding recommendations.
This Follow Up has not extended to:
· a detailed review of the work of the Complaints Panel or Ministerial responses to Complaints Board findings
· the work of the Police Complaints Authority; or
· Arm’s Length Organisations.
I have considered the status of my 2020 recommendations against existing arrangements for handling and learning from complaints as well as the anticipated impact of the introduction of the Jersey Public Sector Ombudsman.
The Government clearly recognises that a persistent and consistent focus on delivering the commitments and requirements of the Customer Feedback Policy is key to improving the quality of the services it provides.
Important progress has been made since my 2020 review. The Policy is aligned with good practice and associated high-quality processes are increasingly in place.
However, maximising the efficiency, effectiveness and reputational benefits of ensuring that learning is taken from complaints requires that:
Improvements made since my 2020 report are very encouraging: I have observed the Government’s ambition to develop customer centric services through its Customer Experience and Customer Insight developments. Ensuring that a ‘levelling up’ approach is achieved, avoiding wide variation in how customers experience different Government services, should be the driver for future decision making.
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