Monday 24 June 2024 - Project Specification

Grants and Subsidies – follow up

Topics: Financial Management and Internal Control

Departments: All

Sector: All

Project Specification - Grants and Subsidies - Follow Up - 24.06.2024

Project Specification: pdf (190.22 KB)

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Providing grants to third parties is an important means by which public sector bodies deliver their policy objectives. To ensure that those objectives are secured economically, efficiently and effectively it is important to have the right controls in place, from design of grant schemes through to evaluation of their impact.

In December 2017, the Comptroller and Auditor General (C&AG) issued a report Grants and Subsidies. The report considered the development, oversight, management and evaluation of grants and subsidies awarded to third parties by the Government of Jersey.  The report contained 17 recommendations.  At 31 December 2023 the Government of Jersey’s Recommendations Tracker assessed that 11 out of these 17 recommendations had been implemented.  At that time, the Government also assessed that the remaining recommendations would be implemented by the end of June 2024.

In December 2022, the C&AG issued a report Grants to Arts, Heritage and Culture Organisations. The report considered the effectiveness of the plans and processes in place to implement, and monitor delivery of, the new Arts and Heritage Strategies adopted by the Government of Jersey.  The report contained seven recommendations, one area of work planned that should be prioritised and two areas for consideration.  At 31 December 2023 the Government assessed that three of the seven recommendations remained to be implemented. All were expected to be implemented by the end of January 2024.

The Government continues to make extensive use of grants and subsidies to third parties.


The review evaluates the effectiveness of arrangements for the development, oversight, management and evaluation of grants and subsidies awarded to third parties.

The review will evaluate arrangements across a sample of departments and a sample of grants and subsidies schemes.  The samples will include, but not be limited to, the Economy Department, the Children, Young People, Education and Skills Department and the Office of the Chief Executive.

The review will not extend to the Jersey Overseas Aid Commission.


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