Friday 7 May 2021 - Report
Friday 7 May 2021 - Report
Topics: COVID-19
Departments: Chief Operating Office, Health & Community Services, Treasury & Exchequer
Sector: Procurement
Report: pdf (591.29 KB)
Download in full ↓The rapidly evolving nature of the COVID-19 pandemic called for an extraordinary response from the Government of Jersey as it has sought to save lives and protect health and livelihoods on the Island. The principles of good governance, transparency, value for money, effective internal control and accountability for the use of public funds remain during a time of emergency. Whilst public financial management systems need to be responsive and flexible, it is essential that they continue to ensure value for money and minimise the risk of fraud and corruption.
In responding to COVID-19, the Government of Jersey had to procure goods, services and works with extreme urgency and in large volumes. This report evaluates procurement processes and supply chain management in respect of the supply of certain essential equipment and resources during 2020. In particular, the report considers the procurement of:
Early and rapid action ensured that the procurement response provided capacity and flexibility to deal with the COVID-19 pandemic risk. The Government was alert to commercial and fraud risks in its procurement of essential supplies for the pandemic.
The consistent use of a ‘reasonable worst case scenario’ model from March 2020 to inform procurement decisions has resulted in the procurement of some facilities, equipment and supplies that may never be used. A detailed plan for the future use of supplies and equipment should be developed to minimise potential waste.
The Island has benefitted from the UK Government provision of equipment, supplies and testing capacity free of charge during the pandemic. This is set to change during 2021 and the Government should re-evaluate its future procurement strategy to ensure value for money continues to be achieved.
Thursday 29 April 2021 - Report
Wednesday 24 November 2021 - Report
Monday 28 June 2021 - Report
Wednesday 24 November 2021 - Report
Monday 28 June 2021 - Report
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